Brand, Digital, News, S.M.E., Strategy /0 Comments/by Jon ArchHOW DO YOU USE YOUR VIDEO CONTENT?
Brand, Content Marketing, Digital, News, S.M.E., Search Engine Optimisation, Strategy /0 Comments/by Jon ArchPREPARING FOR THE “NEW NORMAL”
Brand, Content Marketing, Digital, News, S.M.E., Search Engine Optimisation, Strategy /0 Comments/by Jon ArchRECONSTRUCTING YOUR MARKETING PLAN FOR THE ‘HERE AND NOW”
Brand, Content Marketing, Digital, News, S.M.E., Search Engine Optimisation, Strategy /0 Comments/by Jon ArchCHALLENGING TIMES AND PREPRARING FOR THE ‘NEW NORMAL’
Content Marketing, Marketing Automation, News, S.M.E., Search Engine Optimisation, Strategy /0 Comments/by Jon ArchDo your customers want to talk?
News, StrategyOne way marketing is so last last century !
Examples of the traditional model include TV, radio, press releases and magazine adverts (essentially what we categorise as being “above the line”). The most common criticism of these forms of marketing is how one-way they are; they don’t build a two way conversation which means they are not building a relationship.
Current thinking is that brands should be forming “genuine” relationships with customers that work both ways. Social media has certainly contributed to this way of thinking, but there are also other advances such as re-targeting and behavioural analysis that are helping marketers build personalised experiences for their customers.
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